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Top Cancer Advances of 2005

* 来源 : * 发布人 : admin * 发表时间 : 2006-09-15
  • By incorporating the use of Trasuzumab (Herceptin) with standard chemotherapy, the recurrence of HER-2-positive early-stage breast cancer can be reduced by 50% and the risk of death can be reduced by 1/3 in comparison with the use of chemotherapy alone.

  • Surgery followed by chemotherapy has been shown to increase the survival rate of lung cancer patients. Adjuvant chemotherapy reduced the recurrence rate by 40%, and showed a significantly higher 5-year survival rate compared to patients undergoing only surgery.

  • In colorectal cancer, adjuvant chemotherapy that includes the use of the drug oxaliplatin, reduced the risk of recurrence by 21%.

  • The use of Bevacizumab (Avastin) with chemotherapy significantly extends the survival rate in advanced stages of lung cancer.

  • Combining Bevacizumab (Avastin) with oxaliplatin, significantly improved the survival rate in advanced colorectal cancer patients.

  • Two human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines were proven to be effective in preventing 90 - 100% of HPV infections, thereby preventing the development of cervical cancer.

  • Lenalidomide (RevLimid) was found to reduce the need for blood transfusions in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a disorder that can lead to leukemia.

  • The administration of chemotherapy prior to surgery has been shown to increase the survival rate for stomach cancer patients.

  • Chemotherapy involving the use of the drug temozolomide has proved to be effective in extending survival rates for patients with glioblastoma, an aggressive type of brain cancer.

    In addition to the advances listed above, new data on skin cancer and long-term health problems in childhood cancer survivors has been obtained. The data will provide direction for researchers in continuing their research efforts.

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